Friday, March 8, 2013

1 Peter 1 Bible study tool

Instructions for Last Days Living from 1 Peter 1
(by Bill Stevenson using the Lockman Foundation’s Amplified Bible)

Directions:   Read the Scripture carefully, trying to decide why I formatted it as I did.  Why the indentions?  If you were preaching, what would you say about the words in bold font and the ones underlined?  Thoroughly answer the interjected questions.  This is assignment worth 3 units, so write at least 4 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

1 Peter 1

1    Peter, an Apostle (a special messenger) of Jesus Christ,

           [writing] to the elect exiles of the dispersion

                 scattered (sowed) abroad in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,

1.)     How can you be a special messenger of Jesus Christ?

2.)     “Elect” in this context means “specially chosen”.  Why do you think it was necessary for God to cause the new Christians to leave Jerusalem?  What would cause you to leave where you are at and how would you want to serve God elsewhere?  See the Parable of the Sower and its meaning before answering the question-- Matthew 13:3-23.

2                    Who were chosen {and} foreknown by God the Father

                                 and consecrated (sanctified, made holy) by The Holy Spirit

                                        to be obedient to Jesus Christ (the Messiah)

                                        and to be sprinkled with [His] blood:

3.)     What does being chosen and foreknown by God the Father mean to you?

4.)     How does one get consecrated and become holy by the Holy Spirit?  See John 16:13 and Romans 8:1-27 before answering the question.

5.)     How can you be obedient to Jesus Christ?  And how can you be sprinkled with His blood?

                       May grace (spiritual blessing) and peace be given you in increasing abundance

                                [that spiritual peace to be realized in and through Christ,

                                     freedom from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts].

6.)     What are some good examples of grace and peace?

7.)     Why would God give such to you in increasing abundance?  (See Romans 14:17 and Philippians 4:6-7 before answering.)

8.)     What does “that spiritual peace to be realized in and through Christ, freedom from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts” mean to you?  Before answering, read Philippians 4:6-8 and 1 John 4:15-19.

3                     Praised (honored, blessed) be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

                                By His boundless mercy

                                       we have been born again to an ever-living hope

                                              through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

4                                              into an inheritance which is

                                                      beyond the reach of change {and} decay [imperishable],

                                                      unsullied (undefiled) and unfading,

                                                      reserved in Heaven for you

5                                                         which is being guarded (garrisoned) by God's power

                                                                 through [your] faith

                                                                      [till you fully inherit that final] salvation

                                                                           that is ready to be revealed in the Last Time.

9.)     Why should you praise God?  After listing the reasons from the last 3 verses, look at Ephesians 1:4-13 to see if there are some other reasons why God should be thanked by you.

10.)      What do God’s “boundless mercy” and “ever living hope” only true Christians can have mean to you?

11.)      What is a true Christian’s inheritance and why is it reserved in Heaven?

12.)      What are the three salvations for a true Christian?  (Think about justification, sanctification, and glorification.)

13.)      What does verse 5 mean to you?  (Read Ephesians 2:1-10 before answering.)

6                     [You should] be exceedingly glad on this account,

                              though now for a little while you may be

                                   distressed by trials

                                   {and} suffer temptations,

7                                         so that [the genuineness] of your faith may be tested,

                                                          which is infinitely more precious than the perishable gold

                                                                which is tested {and} purified by fire,

                                                 to result in [your] praise and glory and honor

                                                       when Jesus Christ (the Messiah,) is revealed.

14.)      Why should you be “exceedingly glad”?

15.)      How have you been “distressed by trials” and suffered temptations?

16.)      What is genuineness of Christian faith?  What are observable signs of such?  Why is it so precious?

17.)      Skim Job 1:1-2:10.  For what reasons have you praised God for allowing bad things to happen to you?  Why did you do such?

18.)      How have 1 Corinthians 10:13 and Romans 8:28 helped you when your faith has been challenged?

8                                                            Without having seen Him, you love Him;

                                                                    though you do not [even] now see Him,

                                                                          you believe in Him and exult {and} thrill

                                                                                  with inexpressible and glorious joy.

9                                                            [At the same time] you receive the result

                                                                     (outcome, consummation) of your faith,

                                                                           the Salvation of your souls.

19.)      Read John 20:24-31.  How did you come to believe in Jesus Christ?

20.)      What does exulting “thrill with inexpressible and glorious joy” mean to you?  How can you do such?

10    The prophets, who prophesied of the grace (divine blessing)

               which was intended for you,

                     searched and inquired earnestly about this Salvation.

11          They sought [to find out] to whom or when this was to come

                    which the spirit of Christ working within them

                           was indicating when He predicted

                                 the sufferings of Christ,

                                 and the glories that should follow [them].

21.)      What are your impressions of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, and the other true, 100% right prophets of God?  Why would Peter say that the Holy Spirit was within them when the other references of the Holy Spirit are upon certain individuals like some of the Tabernacle artisans?

22.)      Find verses in their prophecies which indicate God’s grace for the Jews.  There are many negative warnings, but there are wonderful promises of God too.

23.)      Why does Peter praise them?  Besides their prophecies, what was different about them than the other Jews?  Before answering, read John 5, Matthew 22-23, and Isaiah 53.

24.)      Why did Judas betray Jesus Christ?  What part of the messiahship prophesies did he, and probably the other 11 Disciples ignore?

12           It was then disclosed to them that the services they were rendering

                     were not meant for themselves {and} their period of time,

                           but for you.

               [It is these very] things

                     which have now already been made known plainly to you

                           by those who preached the Good News (the Gospel) to you

                           by The [same] Holy Spirit sent from Heaven.

25.)      What does Matthew 7:7-8 mean to you?  Read Hebrews 1, Hebrews 11:35-40,

1 Corinthians 15, and John 3:16-21 before answering.

26.)      Why do think that the angels long to look into such things as this passage indicates?  Remember that Jesus Christ returned to them and others from Earth are in Heaven, and none of them have kept silent.

13    So brace up your minds; be sober (circumspect, morally alert);

               set your hope wholly {and} unchangeably on the grace (divine favor)

                    that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed.

14           [Live] as children of obedience [to God];

                     do not conform yourselves to the evil desires

                                            [that governed you] in your former ignorance

                                                  [when you did not know the requirements of the Gospel].

27.)      How can you specifically obey those two verses?

15           But as the One Who called you is holy,

                      you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct {and} manner of living.

16                        For it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

                                  (Leviticus 11:44-45,19:1-2, & 20:7-8)

28.)      Why do you think so many times the in the New Testament that believers of Jesus Christ are referred to as children or sons of God?

29.)      How can you specifically obey verses 14-16?  Skim 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Philippians 2-3, Ephesians 4-6, Romans 8 & 12, and Galatians 5-6 before answering this question.

17                  And if you call upon Him as [your] Father

                            Who judges each one impartially according to what he or she does,

                                        [then] you should conduct yourselves with true reverence

                                              throughout the time of your temporary residence

                                                   [on the Earth, whether long or short].

30.)      Read 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, James 1:22-25 & 2:14-26, Ephesians 2:1-10, and Matthew 28:18-20 before answering the following two questions: How does the Second Great Commandment relate to faith and works in a true Christian’s life?  What should be the main motive of each thing you say or do?

18           You must know (recognize)

                      that you were redeemed from the useless (fruitless) way of living

                           inherited by tradition from [your] forefathers,

                                not with corruptible things [such as] silver and gold,

19                            but [you were purchased] with the precious blood of Christ,

                                      like that of a [sacrificial] lamb without blemish or spot.

20           It is true that He was chosen {and} foreordained (destined and foreknown for it)

                    before the foundation of the world,

                          but He was brought out to public view (made manifest)

                                in these days  for the sake of you.  (Isaiah 53)

21           Through Him you believe in (adhere to, rely on) God,


                              raised Him up from the dead

                              and gave Him honor {and} glory,

                                    so that your faith and hope are in God. (John 14:6)

31.)      Why do you personally love the Gospel and Jesus Christ?

32.)      Which of the facts in verses 18-21 do you agree with and would die for?

22           Since by your obedience to the Truth [with the help of the Holy Spirit]

                    you have purified your hearts for the sincere affection of other believers,

                          [see that you] love one another fervently from a {pure} heart.

23           You have been regenerated (born again),

                      not from a mortal origin (seed, sperm),

                      but from One that is immortal

                            by the {ever} living and lasting Word of God.

24                             For all flesh (humankind) is like grass,

                                        and all its glory (honor) like [the] flower of grass.

                                              The grass withers and the flower drops off,

25                                                but the Word of the Lord endures forever.

                                                         And this Word is the good news which was preached to you.

33.)      What was the first time that you realized the full Gospel?  What circumstances and how?

34.)      Why do you personally love the Bible?

35.)      What are the major differences between the New Testament and the Old Testament?

36.)      Which of the facts about the Bible would you be willing to die for?

37.)      What does verse 22 mean to you?  How do you live it?

Suggestions for special Bible studying and teaching

Suggestions for Inductive Bible Learning

     One of my main concerns is that most Christian churches don’t have very much Bible teaching.  So I have tried to encourage many to study the Bible more and even begin home group Bible studies.  Recently, I have had opportunities to share about my logical indent method of formatting Scripture with some leaders in a world-wide denomination and they thought it was good and could help the indicated Bible study revival.  In the last part of August 2007, I re-organized about 140 complete and partial Bible studies for making some MS Word files of Bible studies which could be used as “springboards” for personal or group Bible studies.  Hope that you will enjoy all that follows.

Note:  The following is about a way I have been logically formatting Scripture since September 1977.  Many of my Bible study courses have it because it causes reasoning which helps for better retention.  After reading the directions, try your favorite Bible chapter.  The man I learned this from even did his personal letters this way.
Proper Bible study is so important because it is the best way to discover
    “the mind of Christ” (Philippians 2) or how Jesus Christ thinks. 
           That is the way to get to know Jesus Christ intimately
                 which the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3 is so important. 
Studying and using Scripture suggestions:
    First in responding to any Bible verse or Scripture passage you hear in a sermon,
        skim the verse or passage and then check the verses before and after
            to make sure that was is being said really relates to the verse quoted. 
    Sometimes after the sermon and I am at my computer,
         I will download any meaningful verses’ passages and at least do the indent formatting to them
             to understand better the logic of them.
    If you are just typing Scripture without using Bible software to copy/paste from,
        be very careful and double and triple check what you have written. 
            One letter missing or one letter added can change the meaning of a verse. 
    For each verse, think:
         “Does it just tell me something I believe already
                or does it indicate something I should change in my life to be more Christ-like?” 
                     If it is the latter, you should copy it onto a 3 x 5 card
                         in your own words in a commitment form.
For your e-mail and Internet ministries, you can share any of my Bible studies
            (which are free for the asking
             or downloadable from
     or even uses parts of them in counseling or for your website. 

But if you want to develop your own inductive Bible studies or Bible study tools,
     following is some advice from me:
          Back in 1977-78, I learned to do a special logical formatting. 
                The above and the below are samples of it.
          This method of Bible study
                will help the formatter learn new understanding of God’s Word
                and can be used
                     for inductive teaching for Bible study discussion groups and
                     for easier memorizing of Scripture.
          This way of writing Scripture can be done using any translation of the Bible
                but please show respect in and capitalize the first letter of
                     deity pronouns,
                     Earth (for God’s special planet),
                     and other words that indicate uniqueness (like “Bible” and “Apostle”).

This will almost look sort of like the outline format
     with the verses or groups of verses that seem to be of equal importance
         indented the same positions from the left of the page.
For producing inductive study for a Bible chapter or passage: 
     First be in the frame of mind as Proverbs 3:5-6 in order to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
     Download the desired Bible chapter or passage into a MS Word document. 
            The software I usually use is from the free e-Sword downloads (usually KJV red letter edition)
                  or from  the Lockman Foundation downloads of the Amplified and NASB Bibles. 
     Type the reference title above the first verse. 
            Press the Enter key and that is where the first verse number goes.
                  If the verse number is one digit, put a space in front of it.
                      Then press the space bar 4 times. 
     Determine how much of the first verse should be on the first line. 
          Most likely there will be a comma or semi-colon at the end. 
               In most cases, you will want to get as much on each line as possible,
                   but any equal important phrases usually should be separate lines
                       indented the same positions from the left of the page.
     There are four main choices of this logical formatting:
           If a phrase or statement is just a logical continuation or subordinate to the line above,
                start it three or four spaces to the right of the starting place of the line above.
                     Some letters are thinner than other letters, so that is why the 3 or 4 option of spaces.
           If a phrase or statement seems to be of equal importance to one of the lines above,
                start it three spaces to the right of the starting place of that same importance line above. 
           A phrase or verse which seems to be just a clarification of a word or phrase in a previous verse
                should be indented at least 7 spaces to the right compared to the previous line,
                    a so that the next line can start as it is a continuation of the previous line.
                           Such is a parenthetical statement
                           and could be easily left out and not affect the meaning of the above.
          If a phrase or statement ends a definite paragraph
                skip a line before starting the next paragraph.
     Then sometimes I make the studies better Bible study tools or even courses
           by doing the following:
                I will bold or/and underline important verses or phrase
                or/and I will insert thought provoking questions.

For producing subject studies: 
     After I sense a need (from the Holy Spirit, a sermon, a TV program, a conversation, etc.),
          I use a Bible software to download verses using a key word to search with.
               I usually have to sort such several times using
                   different tense forms of a key word
                   and synonyms of that key word. 
     Two other good sources for subject study verse references are
           The Naves Topical Bible and The Thompson Chain Bible References.
     Then for each verse that you want to use
           choose enough of its context before doing the logical formatting.
                 Proper context is so important for most verses.
                      After looking at a verse’s context,
                           you may realize that it isn’t appropriate for the study and should be deleted.
     As I am doing such a study, groupings seem to develop.
            And the Holy Spirit gives me names for these groupings.
            So I start sorting the formatted verses and passages.
                  I split the MS Word document to save time in doing such.

                        And sometimes in large studies, I make a separate list of the group titles
                               for the lower work-in progress part,
                                    so that I know how to search the top section on a key word of a group title
                                         to find the right group to put in the recently formatted verse or verses.
     If a Bible verse or passage is identical or almost the same as you have previously done in the study,
           do a search in the top part of split document to find the just mentioned.
                 If the unformatted Bible verse or passage is identical or not as good as the search result,
                      then put the reference of the Bible verse or passage in the working section
                            in parentheses just after the last line of the search result and italicize the addition.
                                 Then delete the unformatted Bible verse or passage.
                 If the unformatted Bible verse or passage is better than the search result,
                      then format it and put it in the proper location in the above section
                          followed by the reference of the Bible verse or passage to be deleted
                               in parentheses just after the last line and italicized.
     Then sometimes I make the studies better Bible study tools or even courses
           by doing the following:
                I will bold or/and underline important verses or phrase
                or/and I will insert thought provoking questions.

I have learned much every time I have done the logical formatting. 
     Isaiah 28:9-10 
         “Whom shall He teach knowledge?
                  And whom shall He make to understand doctrine?
                        They who are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts.
                              For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept;
                                   line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.”
     2 Timothy 2:15
          “Study earnestly to present yourself approved to God,
                   a workman [or workwoman] who does not need to be ashamed,
                        rightly dividing the Word of Truth.”
Hope that you will too learn from doing ETRSF
      and will share the results with others via the Internet or/and Bible study groups.